Daria are 24 de ani si este erou local off-road. Crescuta pe motor printre vaile si pe colinele muntilor din Valea Jiului, iarna a fost nevoita sa se adapteze la sporturile de alunecare pe zapada si o face doar cu un zambet larg pe buze. Iubeste sa nu se plictiseasca si e intr-o continua evolutie sportiva in discipline precum snowboarding, off-road enduro, longboarding si mountain-bike. Sezonul 2018-19 isi va face aparitia printre monitorii de snowboard ai echipei Boarding Nation Straja.
Welcome home!
The community of teachers
We could not be happier with our experience so far. The school places the children at its center, and is led by their interests and needs, whilst managing to be academically rigorous and nurturing at the same time.
I am very passionate about building strong core skills in kindergarten and want students to have the support and resources they need to be heroes. I love seeing the tremendous progress made by students in these early years!
Scopul nostru este acela de a aduce copii si adolescent la noi acasa, in Statiunea Straja, de a-i invata sa se dea cu snowboardul si sa schieze intr-un mediu sigur si organizat