
Instructor snowboard


Personal Info's

Ionut, cunoscut sub numele de Kreasta este sensei-ul scolii de snowboard. Cu ani de experienta in domenii care au ca trunchi comun muntele si apa, Kreasta a gasit locatia finala pentru a-si pune in aplicare visurile cu snowboarduri la Straja, in judetul Hunedoara, sub numele de “Boarding Nation”. Ii place sa fie inconjurat doar de oameni faini ca el si de voie buna. Are toate armele secrete de care un om are nevoie sa depaseasca orice bariera fizica sau mentala, un fel de Captain Jack Sparrow in fata haosului si a stresului care reuseste sa ramana calm si pozitiv, istet si spontan pe toata durata povestii, luand in totdeauna deciziile corecte si benefice in ceea ce priveste organizarea si eficienta scolii si a evenimentelor din jurul ei.

Pe snowboard din:


At Corlears Since:


What I love about Corlears:

The community of teachers

What Parents Say?


We could not be happier with our experience so far. The school places the children at its center, and is led by their interests and needs, whilst managing to be academically rigorous and nurturing at the same time.

from Google Reviews

I am very passionate about building strong core skills in kindergarten and want students to have the support and resources they need to be heroes. I love seeing the tremendous progress made by students in these early years!

from Google Reviews